True North Football Premier League

Urgent Incidents

If you have an urgent incident that needs to be reported (e.g. serious injury), please email with the subject line URGENT. Alternatively, your captain should be able to contact the league via phone if necessary. First and foremost, you should call 911 and get medical attention, reporting to the league should be done after the fact.


If you would like to make a complaint or report a non-urgent incident, please send an email to with the following format:

  • Date of Incident
  • Overview of the incident. If it involves individuals whose names you do not know, please describe the player and the name of the team that they are on.
  • What next steps would you like to be taken? (This is for suggestion purposes only, it is up to the league to decide what actions will be taken next).
  • Upon reflection, is there anything that you/your team could have done differently in the moment?

We ask that you wait 24hrs after your game before sending these emails as it gives you a chance to reflect and cool off before writing.

Your complaint will be kept confidential. By this we mean that we will not share your words with anyone, but we may need to contact other individuals involved if an investigation is deemed necessary. In this instance we will let them know that a report has been filed, and will give a brief overview of the content.